Teaching Life Skills to School Age Children

School Age Life Skills
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course is about teaching school age children the life skills they need to do well in their classrooms, relationships and in future endeavors. As children grow, they need to take more and more responsibility for their own lives and the adults in their lives can be great assets in helping them along the way. Course length – 2.5 hours.
  • The course helps answer the following questions:
  • How can I teach them how to give and expect respect?
  • How can I teach them to follow directions?
  • How can I teach them about setting goals?
  • How can I teach them how to make smart decisions?
  • How can I teach them to better manage their time:
  • How can I teach them self-care?
  • How can I teach them social skills?
  • How can I teach them problem solving?
Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Teach children decision making skills.
  • Teach children time management skills.
  • Teach children problem solving skills.


School Age Science and Art

School age art and science
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course covers what science and art should look like for our school age children and why they are important. We cover what the scientific process is and how to follow it with specific examples. It is filled with ideas for interesting and educational activities that you can take back to your classroom and implement with the children you serve. Course length – 2.0 hours
The course helps answer the following questions:
  • What is the scientific process?
  • Why is it important to do science with school age children?
  • What are some good science activities for school age children?
  • Why is it important to do art with school age children?
  • Is art just about painting and drawing?
  • What are some good art activities for school age children?
Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand how to teach the scientific process to school age children.
  • Discover science activities that are developmentally appropriate and interesting for school age children.
  • Learn art activities that are developmentally appropriate and interesting for school age children

Nutrition, Health and Hygiene

Nutrition health hygiene
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course covers many aspects of nutrition and health for children from the perspective of the 5-2-1-0 initiative. They recommend at least 5 fruits and veggies per day, less than 2 hours of screen time daily, at least one hour of physical exercise per day and zero sugary drinks for children. We also discuss specific exercises for crossing the midline and yoga with children. For the hygiene portion we cover hand washing, germs and covering your cough. This course has a dozen printable resources including file folder games and recipes!  Course is great for toddler through school age. Course Length – 3.0 hours.
This course does not meet the Pennsylvania 10 hour Health and Safety course required by Department of Human Services. In addition, some of the information included in this course may or may not reflect current Health and Safety standards in Pennsylvania.
The course helps answer the following questions:
  • Why do the children need so many fruits and vegetables?
  • What are some ways to get them to try new foods?
  • What is the problem with screen time?
  • What are midline exercises and why are they important?
  • How can yoga help children?
  • How can I help children understand how germs spread?
Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand the 5-2-1-0 concept and what each number means.
  • Gain knowledge of ways to teach children proper social hygiene.
  • Comprehend the importance of gross motor in early childhood.

Teaching a Love of Letters and Words

teaching a love of letters and words
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course is packed with tips and activities on how to teach children from infants through school age how to have fun with letters and words. Teaching the formation of letters, letter sounds, words and a love of books is one of the most important gifts you can give a child. Great for children toddlers through school age.  Course length  – 3.0 hours.
We will answer the following questions:
  • Is there a right or wrong order to teach the letters of the alphabet?
  • What other skills are important to prepare for reading?
  • What are some good books for teaching the ABCs?
  • What are some fun games for teaching the ABCs?
  • What are some great activities for teaching the ABC?
  • How can I get children to look at books other than reading to them?


Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand the importance of teaching children the love of words.
  • Understand the best ways to teach letters and their sounds.
  • Possess the skills necessary to do multiple activities with children that encourage the love of letters and words.

Positive Behavior Management: Focusing on Children with Special Needs

positive behavior management
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Positive Behavior Management speaks to the fact that all difficult behavior is not the result of poor choices. Sometimes children aren’t making poor choices but rather have unmet needs that we don’t understand. In order to meet these needs, we must have a basic understanding of what they are. The course includes several videos introducing books to use with the children to help them understand special needs in themselves or in their friends or family members.  Course length  – 2.0 hours.
This course helps answer the following questions:
  • What is sensory processing disorder?
  • What is autism?
  • What is dyslexia?
  • What is executive functioning disorder?
  • How can trauma affect children?
  • What are self-regulation problems?
  • What is proprioception?
  • How can I help children dealing with these issues?


Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Have a basic understanding of certain special needs they may encounter in children in their care.
  • Know what to look for when assessing whether a child in their care may have a special need.
  • Have the tools to better help the children in their care that have special needs.


The Best Me I Can Be: Building a Child’s Healthy Self Image

Build a child's self esteem
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course addresses your role in the vital development of a child’s healthy self-image. It’s purpose is to enable you to encourage that development in each child in your care. This includes building a child’s self confidence, social skills, emotional maturity and emotional control. It also addresses teaching a child about physical health and the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. It includes sections on “Self love”, “I know the parts of my body!”, “My body, my choice.”, “I want a healthy body.”, “My emotions.” And “Me and My Friends”. The course has printable resources to help you implement the things you will learn! Course length – 2.0 hours
The course helps answer the following questions:
  • How can I help children develop self confidence?
  • How can I encourage the development of social maturity and skills in young children?
  • How can I teach children about their emotions and emotional control?
  • What is the best way to teach children their body parts?
  • Are we finished teaching body parts when they are toddlers?
  • How do I talk to them about keeping secrets?
  • Should children feel obligated to give adults a hug?
  • How do I encourage young children to engage in taking care of their own health?
  • What is the best way to help children include others who may be “different”?


Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand the importance of teaching children to understand, love and respect themselves.
  • Be prepared to teach children to understand and embrace diversity of all kinds.
  • Learn how to guide children in making and keeping friendships with kindness and inclusion.

Blocks, Math & Manipulatives Extended Edition

blocks extended edition
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Blocks, math and manipulatives are sometimes three separate centers but often combined in a variety of ways. This course explores the materials that may be included in all three centers. Included are tips and activities for various ages to make the most of all three areas. This extended course covers everything that is in the one hour course with many additional ideas, activities and videos for each of the three areas. This course is great for infants through school age.  Course length  – 3.0 hours.
This course answers the following questions:
  • What materials should be in the blocks center?
  • What materials should be in the math center?
  • What materials should be in the manipulatives center?
  • What is the difference between a block and a manipulative?
  • How can I get more girls to enjoy the block center?
  • Should the centers be combined and if so, in what ways will that work?
  • What are some great activities for these centers for my age group?


Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Create centers for blocks math and manipulatives with age appropriate materials.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to write lesson plans using these centers in ways to draw out every teaching opportunity.
  • Explain the importance of using math in all kinds of ways and not just in the math center.

All About Sensory

all about sensory
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course describes eight senses, focusing mainly on the basic five of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. It explains where each sense begins and how it develops. Activities are provided that teach about each sense. An introduction to sensory processing disorder is also included. A great form is provided for information gathering if you suspect a child in your care has sensory processing issues. A list of behaviors that indicate sensory processing issues is also included. The course includes enlightening testimonies from mothers of children with sensory processing issues. They share the experience they have had with their children to help you better understand this disorder.  The course is great for infants through school age.  Course length  – 4.0 hours.
The course answers the following questions:
  • What are our 8 senses?
  • When and how do our senses develop?
  • What is sensory processing disorder?
  • How can I help a child in my class with sensory processing disorder?
  • What are some activities that I can use to teach about the senses?
  • What do mothers of children with SPD want us as childcare givers to know about these children?


Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the eight senses.
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of sensory processing.
  • Plan for children in their care with sensory processing issues.

Milestones: Observations and Assessments

If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course introduces three possible tools to use when performing observations and screenings. Ages and Stages, which has screenings done primarily by the parents; Brigance, where the screenings are done primarily by a teacher or other staff member; or designing and creating a custom screening tool that is specific to the children you teach. A detailed description is provided of a child’s typical progression through milestones from birth through age five is then described. Course length  – 3.0 hours.
The course answers the following questions:
  • What are the most common methods for performing screenings?
  • Why is it important that I perform accurate and timely screenings of the children in my care?
  • How are the results of screenings utilized when developing curriculum and lesson plans?
  • How do we follow up with parents with the results of screenings?
  • Is there such a thing as “normal” for reaching milestones?
  • What are the milestones for MY age group?
  • What should I do if a child isn’t reaching milestones?


Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of why observations and assessments are important.
  • Demonstrate an ability to follow up on assessment results.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the progression of milestones from birth to age five.

Safety and Basic First Aide

safety and basic first aide
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Basic safety and first aid should be taught to every early childhood educator before they ever assume care for children. We are responsible for keeping the children in our care as safe as possible. This course explores safe handling of medications and cleaning supplies as well as delving into earthquake, tornado and fire drills, safe outdoor play and equipment safety. Basic first aid is covered. (This is NOT a CPR/first aid course.) Course length  – 2.0 hours.
Check your state’s page as some states don’t approve online safety courses.
This course does not meet the Pennsylvania 10 hour Health and Safety course required by Department of Human Services. In addition, some of the information included in this course may or may not reflect current Health and Safety standards in Pennsylvania.
The course helps answer the following questions:
  • What first aid supplies should I have in the classroom?
  • When should a new hire be trained in basic first aid and safety?
  • How should I store and dispense medication and how should I keep records of dispensing medication?
  • Do I need a parents’ permission for things like diaper cream and sunscreen?
  • How should I conduct earthquake, tornado and/or fire drills?
  • How often should I check toys and equipment for safety?
  • Does everyone in my center need to be CPR/first aide certified?


Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand the importance of preparing for and giving tours properly.
  • Analyze their facility’s safety practices and where they may need adjustments.
  • Learn ways to support, encourage and maintain their staff.