Communicating with Families to Support Children with Developmental Delays

Communicating with Families to support children with developmental delays
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Many childcare providers are hesitant to discuss observed behaviors with parents and caregivers surrounding developmental delays of their children. This can cause a breakdown in communication and lack of a trusting partnership between childcare providers and families. This can also delay needed services to be received by a child. This course will provide childcare providers the information they need to feel informed and confident with communication skills and options, especially when dealing with sensitive subject matter. It will also help empower childcare providers to build a partnership between their care, familial and non-familial caregivers and community/state level resources for those children. Course length – 2.5 hours.
The course helps answer the following questions:
  • How do I establish good communication with families from day one?
  • What should I do if I believe a child in my care may have a developmental delay?
  • How should I approach family members if I have a concern that their child may have a developmental delay?
  • How can I advocate for families while they are going through the process of seeking help for their child?
Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Know how to establish and maintain strong relationships with families from the moment they come into the center for a tour.
  • Feel informed and confident in communication skills and options, especially when dealing with sensitive subject matters, like developmental concerns.
  • Be prepared to assist in building a partnership between child care, familial or non-familial caregivers and community/state level resources for children.


Back to Basics: Teaching Opposites, Positional Words and Rhyming

Back to Basics 2
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
The basics of early childhood include teaching our little ones about opposites, positional words, and rhyming! These are fun and important parts of adding to the children’s vocabulary during early childhood. There are videos and interactions throughout the course. This course is for teachers of infants through preschoolers! Course length – 2.0 hours.
The course helps answer the following questions:
  • Why is it important for children to learn about opposites?
  • At what age can children understand the concept of opposites?
  • What are some activities to help teach opposites?
  • What are the stages of learning about rhyming?
  • Is rhyming important to learning to read?
  • What are some activities to help teach rhyming?
  • What are positional words?
  • What order should they be taught?
  • How should I teach positional words?
  • What are some activities to teach positional words?


Desired Outcomes:
  • Participants will possess the skills and knowledge to teach children opposites.
  • Participants will possess the skills and knowledge to teach children positional words.
  • Participants will possess the skills and knowledge to teach children rhyming.



When Can Kids Share and Take Turns?

When can kids share
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
One of the toughest things we sometimes face in early childhood is teaching children to share and take turns with each other. They will fight over everything from toys to books to a random stick they find on the playground. Course length – 1.5 hours.
This course will help answer the following questions:
  • Can toddlers share?
  • Can toddlers take turns?
  • What are the stages of play?
  • What are some techniques to teach children to share?
  • What are some techniques to teach children to take turns?


Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand why infants and toddlers cannot comprehend sharing and turn taking.
  • Be able to facilitate methods of teaching older children to share.
  • Be able to facilitate methods of teaching older children to take turns.


Indoor Energy Busters (AKA Gross Motor Activities)

Indoor energy busters
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course explains the importance of keeping gross motor a part of your everyday routine even on days when you cannot get outside due to weather or scheduling conflicts. Course length – 2.0 hours.
The course will help answer the following questions:
  • What is gross motor?
  • Why is gross motor important?
  • How does gross motor affect everyday living?
  • What are the gross motor milestones in early childhood?
  • What kinds of indoor activities can we do for gross motor?
Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand what gross motor development means.
  • Comprehend why gross motor development is important.
  • Be able to facilitate gross motor activities indoors with their age group.


When Children Bite

When children bite
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course helps early childhood educators understand, prevent and respond to a very difficult behavior. When children bite, it is upsetting to the child that gets bitten, the biter and both families.
Course length – 1.0 hour.
This course helps answer the following questions:
  • Why do children bite?
  • How can we prevent biting?
  • What should we do for the child that was bitten when it happens?
  • What should we do for the biter when it happens?
  • What is important NOT to do?
  • How do we talk to the families?
Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand why children bite.
  • Obtain the skills to prevent children from biting.
  • Techniques to deal with children after a biting has happened.


Learning Centers and Their Benefits

Learning Centers
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Learning centers are a vital part of how we set up our classrooms. Whether you are starting a new classroom or looking to redo an existing one, it’s good to know the best ways to go about the entire process.
Course length – 3.0 hours.
This course helps answer the following questions:
  • Why is it important to have centers?
  • What centers should you have and what should be in them?
  • How should items be organized in centers?
  • How should centers be placed in the room?
  • How should you use your centers?
  • What are the benefits of each center?


Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understand the importance of setting centers up with forethought and planning.
  • Possess the skills to decide what centers and materials will be most beneficial for their particular group.
  • Understand, and be able to share with families, the benefits of each center.


Circle Time: The Importance of Planning – Extended Edition

Circle Time Extended Edition
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Circle time is a part of most early childhood professional’s days. This course will help those new to the field learn the basics as well as bringing new ideas to those with experience. The course covers all of the information from the two hour circle time course and more!
Circle time and small group time should be fun and flexible while having a routine that the children can predict and count on. There are many possible elements and it’s important to include the ones that are right for your particular group. Don’t feel required to include anything that isn’t right for you and don’t be afraid to include things that may not seem traditional. Let’s explore! Course length – 3.5 hours
This course answers the following questions:
  • Should every classroom do circle time every day?
  • What elements need to be included in circle time?
  • Should circle time be the same each day?
  • How can I be flexible and yet keep with my routine?
  • What are some ways to keep the children’s attention during circle time?
  • How do I transition into circle time?
  • When is the best time of day for circle time?
  • Should I introduce a foreign language in circle time?
  • Do I have to do weather and calendar?


Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of small group times.
  • Utilize the knowledge of multiple possibilities for components that may make their circle times more effective.
  • Create a new method of preparing for circle time in order to achieve better results.


Integrated Learning: Teaching Multiple Skills with One Activity

Integrated Learning
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course touches on the fact that learning through play is essential. Research has shown that this is the way children learn best. For this reason, when we do choose to do an activity, we need to make the most of it.
Course Length – 2.5 hours.
The course helps answer the questions:
  • Is learning through play really important?
  • How can I teach math and science in the same activity?
  • How can I teach the same activity to different ages?
  • How can I do these activities with a very small budget?
Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Understanding of the importance of learning through play.
  • Demonstrate the ability to teach multiple skills with one, simple activity.
  • Comprehend the possibilities available with little budget or materials.

When Childhood Anxiety Leads to Challenging Behaviors

Childhood anxiety
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course is designed to help teachers and staff understand how to help children in their care with generalized anxiety. These children often act out in ways that are mistaken as behavior problems. Course length – 2.0 hours.
The course helps answer the following questions:
  • What is anxiety?
  • What does childhood anxiety look like?
  • What are the types of anxiety?
  • What does generalized anxiety look like?
  • What does separation anxiety look like?
  • What does social anxiety look like?
  • What are some triggers for anxiety?
  • What are some symptoms of anxiety?
  • How can I help?
Desired Outcomes
  • Participants will gain an understanding of what different types of anxiety look like in early childhood.
  • Participants will learn tools they can use to help children with anxiety.
  • Participants will learn how to set up a safe place in their classroom.

Art For All Ages

Art for all ages
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course ventures into the importance and application of art in early childhood education. Course length – 2.0 hours.
It helps answer the following questions:
  • What are the key aspects of art in early childhood?
  • What are the primary benefits to children who create art in early childhood?
  • Why, for the benefit of your children, do you need to go beyond just providing a few essentials like crayons, markers and paper?
  • How can I best help the children in my care express themselves through art?
  • Why should art be experienced at times other than “art time”?
  • What are some “out of the box” art ideas I can use with my class?


Participants who successfully complete this course will:
  • Learn how children of all ages can create art and grow through artistic expression.
  • Be prepared to teach multiple methods of art to their age range.
  • Be able to explain the benefits of art in early childhood.