Art and Writing: Thinking Creatively Outside the Box

art and writing
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Art and Writing can be about so much more than crayons and pencils. This course explores how to choose great materials that are appropriate for your age group. We cover how to teach the children proper use of art materials and we provide great tips and ideas for activities. Learn about the importance of the pincher grasp, process vs product art and much more!  This course is great for infants through school age!  Course length  – 1.5 hours.
The course answers the following questions:
  • What are the best materials to go into the art center for my age group?
  • What are the best materials to into the writing center for my age group?
  • When is it good to combine the centers or keep them separate?
  • At what age should scissors be introduced?
  • Does it matter what kind of scissors I use?
  • How can you teach the pincer grasp?
  • What does product vs process mean?
  • What are some educational and engaging activities in these centers for my age group?


Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Create art and writing centers that will include developmentally appropriate materials that are useful for those centers.
  • Compare different items such as scissors with understanding of what is important to make them safe and appropriate for each age group.
  • Utilize the materials in the art and writing centers in creative and fun ways that will teach cognitive skills.

Blocks, Math & Manipulatives: Building and Learning

blocks math and manipulatives
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Blocks, math and manipulatives are sometimes three separate centers but often combined in a variety of ways. This course explores the materials that may be included in all three centers. What are the differences? What are the similarities? Included are tips and activities for various ages to make the most of all three areas. Course length  – 1.0 hour.
The course answers the following questions:
  • What materials should be in the blocks center?
  • What materials should be in the math center?
  • What materials should be in the manipulatives center?
  • What is the difference between a block and a manipulative?
  • How can I get more girls to enjoy the block center?
  • Should the centers be combined and if so, in what ways will that work?
  • What are some great activities for these centers for MY age group?


Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Create centers for blocks math and manipulatives with age appropriate materials.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how to write lesson plans using these centers in ways to draw out every teaching opportunity.
  • Explain the importance of using math in all kinds of ways and not just in the math center.

Challenging Behaviors: What needs to change and how?

If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
Challenging behaviors can derail a perfectly planned day. This course explores ways to discover the underlying causes of the behavior. It lays out a plan based on understanding, leading to prevention. Utilizing the practical tips and suggestions result in smoother days for children and teachers alike. Course length – 1.5 hours.
This course helps answer the following questions:
  • How can I plan to ACT before the challenging behavior rather than REACT to it?
  • Why is it okay not to treat every child the same?
  • Should I have a standard set of rules for the classroom?
  • How can I better interpret what the child is trying to communicate through the behavior?
  • How can I make time to assess each child’s behavior with everything else I am doing?
  • What are some common reasons behind a child’s challenging behaviors?
  • What are some ways to connect with family members and learn more about the children?
  • What are some reasonable consequences to challenging behavior?


Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Create ways to assess students’ behaviors and analyze the results of those assessments.
  • Prepare a plan, using their assessment results, to handle challenging behaviors in more productive ways.
  • Prepare lesson plans that include whatever is necessary to aide in feeding the children’s emotional needs to help avoid challenging behaviors.

Learning Through Movement: Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Learning Through Movement Revised
If you are employed in a state that uses a registry to track professional development hours, you will be able to provide your registry ID (Stars, MOPID, Registry or other ECE ID#) after you have completed the quiz for the course. If you pass the quiz we will report your course completion to the state registry using the registry ID that you provide.
This course explores the development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills in children. When finished, you will understand what they are, why they are important and what milestones to watch for in your children. Multiple activities for each age group are shared along with many practical tips on building and strengthening these skills. Course length – 3.0 hours.
The course answers the following questions:
  • What is the difference between fine motor and gross motor?
  • What is the relationship between muscle strength and motor skill development?
  • How does the development of motor skills affect learning in young children?
  • What are typical milestones for MY children’s age group?
  • What should I do if my children aren’t meeting these milestones?
  • What are some activities I can do with MY age group to help build these skills?


Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Analyze the students motor skills and assess their progress to help determine where they can help strengthen them.
  • Select developmentally appropriate materials for their students to use in strengthening gross and fine motor skills.
  • Apply their knowledge of the importance of muscle strength in the development of motor skills.