Bright Minds Training is here to serve as a training resource for child care programs. Our goal is to offer courses that inform, engage and provide practical guidance. We aim to provide courses that will help make your day to day lives easier as you connect with children and change their lives. We hope that our courses will help make you an even better early childcare educator.
Bright Minds Training provides online courses for teachers and staff of childcare centers and in-home childcare. All trainings are authored by one of our credentialed trainers and meet the requirements for Early Care and Education clock hours in many states. If there is a particular subject that you want to learn more about, please let us know. We are attentive to our customer’s suggestions for course topics.
Please feel free to call us at 859-468-9128 or send Connie an email at Connie@brightmindstraining.com with any questions or concerns.
Bright Minds Training Staff Members:

Connie Turner is our co-owner and one of our course writers. She has over forty years of experience in Early Childhood Education. She has been a provider of in-home childcare, an in-center teacher of multiple age groups and a center director. Connie authors courses from the perspective of someone who has substantial experience as a teacher, combined with formal training as a certified trainer. Her deep understanding of the challenges teachers face makes the courses she develops both relatable and highly practical.

Larry Turner is our co-owner who takes care of all matters related to Information Technology. He has over thirty-five years of IT experience in the corporate world. In 2024 he transitioned to focus full-time on Bright Minds Training. Larry ensures that everything technical runs smoothly behind the scenes, allowing us to stay focused on delivering quality training.

Kasey Hunt is one of our course writers and manages our social media and email marketing. With thirteen years of experience in childcare—ranging from in-home care to classroom teaching and center management—Kasey writes from the perspective of someone who truly understands the challenges educators face. Her hands-on experience allows her to craft content that resonates with those in the field, making her contributions both insightful and relatable.

Marcie Vogelpohl, our marketing consultant, is an expert in data analysis, GA4, and SEO, playing a key role in shaping our digital strategy. She has provided guidance on our website design and marketing campaigns.