We offer online child care courses online, child care training online, child care training courses, and most importantly child care courses online.
Because Our goal at Bright Minds Training is to serve you as a training resource. Consequently we provide engaging courses that educate and empower you. Therefore We speak to you in ways that will make your work lives easier in very practical ways as you connect with children and change their lives. Thus we invite you to choose courses that will fill gaps in your knowledge and that you feel will make you even better at what you do. Therefore you deserve the best child care training. Most importantly the children in your care are depending on you. Therefore act now.
Therefore we offer child care training, CDA classes, daycare training, daycare classes and child care classes.
Most importantly our current early childhood education courses titles are listed below.
The title this course is Art and writing: thinking creatively outside the box. This course delves into what should be in your art and writing centers, how to choose the right items for the right ages and how to teach the children to use them properly. Besides that we also provide some great ideas and tips! Most importantly act now
The title of this course is blocks, math and manipulatives: building and learning. Thus we define and explore the block, math and manipulative centers and discuss a variety of ways to blend or separate the three. What is different about the materials contained? What is the same about the materials contained? Therefore act today.
The title of this course is challenging behaviors: what needs to change and how? Most importantly when dealing with children’s challenging behaviors, it’s easy to get frustrated. Therefore, this course will help you discover why the behavior is happening and how to avoid it. You can understand the “why” behind the behavior. Besides that do it now.
The title of this course is dramatic play: more than a home center. You can discover all of the possibilities that a dramatic play center holds for the imagination of a child. In this course theme boxes are explored and many ideas are laid out to assemble your own theme boxes. Therefore go do it.
The title of this course is learning through movement: gross and fine motor skills. Because gross and fine motor skills are vital to almost every aspect of a child’s development. This course is about understanding these skills, and knowing milestones and encouraging development in children too. Therefore it will help you. consequently don’t wait.
The title of this course is science and sensory: Bonus section, cooking with kids. In this you will explore course science and sensory centers and all that goes in them. Also, cooking with children can teach more than just cooking skills. It can also teach science, math, teamwork and so much more! Therefore this course can help you. Choose it now.
Most importantly these classes can help you. We help you.